You Were Created For More Than This

I was hopelessly addicted to pornography for 5 years. Everything looked good on the surface but underneath I was struggling with an addiction that was slowly damaging my self-esteem, my self-worth, my relationship with Christ and my relationship with my husband. The stress between how I was perceived on the outside and who I really was on the inside was exhausting. I had built a wall between myself and God as well as anyone who could have helped me with my addiction.

I was created for more than that.

I know a young mom. Let’s call her Gertrude. (I love old-fashioned names - don’t you?) She has 2 little ones under the age of 3 and a husband who travels frequently for work. She is college-educated and gave up a great job to stay home with their children. Somewhere between the endless diaper changes and potty-training toddler Gertrude is afraid she is losing herself and the relationship she once enjoyed with her husband.

She was created for more than this.

I know a single woman. Let’s call her Harriet. She has wasted much of her adult years being discontent. With the apartment she rents; the roommates she lives with; the job she holds and the spouse she longs for. Harriett spends a lot of time thinking about “if onlys” and “someday I will . . .” as the days and years go by.

She was created for more than this.

I know a middle-aged woman. Let’s call her Mabel. She pulls in a great salary at a high-powered job that she believes in and where she is highly respected. Past hurts have left her finding her self-worth in her career and not in her identity in Christ. Mabel works long days and is conflicted about the extra hours spent at work which comes from time she would rather spend with her family.

She was created for more than this.

I know an empty nester. Let’s call her Ethel. She has spent the last 20 years devoting all of her time and energy into raising her 2 children. They have grown and gone and she is left with a husband whose interests no longer coincide with hers, a 20-year-old resume, and a lack of ball games, piano lessons and homework to fill her days. Ethel is at loose ends and feels as if no one needs her anymore.

She was created for more than this.

At last but not least I know a perfectionist. Let’s call her Matilda. She works long hours every day to make every aspect of her life pinterest worthy. Beautiful home, great sense of style, tremendous cook. Matilda gives the perfect gift, throws the perfect party and never has a hair out of place. She is also exhausted and lonely since she doesn’t dare show any of the hidden stuff underneath which would hurt the image she has so carefully constructed.

She was created for more than this.

Isaiah 40:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." God has everything you need at whatever age or stage you find yourself in today. My prayer for each of us is that we would find our identity in Christ and not in the label we wear or the image we project.