Kindness & encouragement can come from the most unexpected places. A taxi driver, an airport employee, a front desk clerk at a hotel, a coworker at a conference, a letter in the mail, a text from a friend. Over the last few days the people I just listed have shown me a kindness and encouraged me in ways that have made an impact deeper than they could have imagined. God used them to give me just what I needed when I needed it most.
Let’s start with the letter. It was one of those xeroxed holiday letters that we all send every year. This friend, however, chooses to send hers throughout the year and takes time to write a personal note on the back. We are not facebook friends which means she took the time to look up my website, read my blog and encourage me in my new ministry. It is a note I will keep and read again.
The letter came just before I left for a 3-day conference in Chicago. The conference was for the direct sales company I work for and leaders attend from all over the country. I was approached by women from Iowa, California, Colorado and Wisconsin who were so supportive of my ministry and read my blog each week. I had no idea they were even reading it. They carved time out of their hectic conference schedule to share simple words and great hugs that meant so much to me.
Next up – the taxi driver. After the conference I had the privilege of spending 24 hours with our oldest daughter who is away at college. As we left the hotel and climbed into the taxi I told the driver that I was sorry but I would soon be crying in the back seat of his cab. I explained that I loved my daughter and would be leaving her and that it was hard. After we dropped her the tears came. The taxi driver turned to me and said in heavily accented English, “I understand. I have 4 daughters. They are a gift from God.” What a gift those words were from that man at that moment! With those words he brought the very presence of God into the taxi with us.
Arriving at the airport I was pretty sure I had overstuffed my bag. Tired and close to tears I put it on the scale prepared to rearrange items as needed. It weighed in at 51.2 pounds. The airport employee looked at me, smiled, winked and said “It looks like 49 pounds to me.” Thank you Jesus!
I Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” The note, the text, the hug and the words. Simple acts really that made a huge impact on this recipient. We are commanded in Colossians 3:12 as God’s chosen people, who are holy & dearly loved, to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. How can you show a kindness or give some encouragement to the people God places in your path today?
Precious Father, please open my eyes to the people I come in contact with each day. Help me to do a kindness, offer a word of encouragement, and be a blessing to the people around me. Thank you for the encouragers in my life. Amen.