Start Your Day with God

Off and on, for years, I asked God to give me an unquenchable thirst for his Word. I kept waiting for that to happen. Hoping it would give me the discipline and desire to start each day by reading my Bible, journaling and spending time in prayer.

As the years went by I would try various ways, books, systems and times of day to make this happen. I would have various stretches (usually around the New Year) where I would do it for a while and then it would fall away. Although I have participated in and lead various Bible Studies for over 25 years, I was so often studying what someone else had gleaned from God’s Word instead of digging into the Bible myself.

For me personally, I finally realized I had to get into God’s Word first before the unquenchable thirst started to develop. Since July God has clearly been telling me from multiple directions that I needed to steep myself in his word every day and start each day with him. On September 1 I finally began the start of each day with God. This time has been sweeter and more challenging than I could have imagined.

To do this it meant:

Going to bed earlier so I could get up earlier which affected my husband and my daughter.

Finding a place in my home that could be set apart as a meeting place with God.

(Someplace with decent light where I could leave my Bible, journal, readers and pen out)

Getting my family on board with a new routine that gave my first 30 minutes of each day to God.

It also meant asking God to forgive me for wasted years when I did not start my day with him. Years when I allowed my busy schedule to keep me from investing time in God’s Word and our relationship.

 A routine was needed:

Praying scripture as I opened my Bible (Ezekiel 36:27, Psalm 25:5, Psalm 119:27).

Precious Father – Thank you for putting your Spirit in me. Move me to follow your decrees and help me to be careful to keep your laws. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds. Amen.

Reading a chapter from 2 different books of the Bible (A Proverb and a Psalm are a great start). Underlining and writing down verses that stood out.

Reading the study notes and then the chapter again.

Writing down the names of God that I found as I read (refuge, hiding place, our help, our shield)

Having a conversation with God as I brought prayer requests and praises before him.

Praying scripture as I closed my Bible (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 19:14)

Precious Father – You tell us that the Word God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. Thank you that all scripture is God-breathed. Please use it to teach, rebuke, correct and train me in righteousness so that as your servant I may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Amen.

All that we need is contained within the covers of our Bible. Wisdom, direction, relationship, peace and so much more. What can you do to make time each day for God and the study of his Word?  If you already do – good for you! Please comment and share what you do and when you do it to help others. If not – I have struggled in this area myself and understand. I will be praying for you my friend.