Today marks my 20th Transparent Tuesday blog. Some weeks it flows easily and practically writes itself. Other weeks it is slow and painful and each word is hard to write. I am still trying to figure out my “voice” and my style and connect weekly with what God wants me to write. Sometimes it sneaks up on me – how can it possibly be 7:00 on Tuesday night? Other times I think about it throughout the week and it is already written in my head before I sit down at the computer.
Thank you for reading it. I know it is sometimes rough around the edges. I will be the first person to admit I have no idea what I am doing. Fortunately, God has surrounded me with people who can help me figure it out. God brought me out of an addiction to pornography. Which gives me a responsibility to share and testify to what God has done in my life. He lined up the right people at the right time to give me an opportunity to share my story with others.
The right people at the right time meant putting me on a women’s leadership team 2 years before God delivered me from my addiction and into public ministry. It meant building relationship with a women’s retreat team that trusted God could deliver a sensitive and timely message through me when it was time.
Looking back I can clearly see how God used parts of my past to prepare me for this ministry. Over the last 15 years I worked for a direct sales company where I personally held over 1500 parties. This experience taught me how to work with a large variety of women, get comfortable speaking in front of a group, prepare educational materials, and build relationships. Today it gives me the flexibility and income to pursue my ministry.
Over the same 15-year period I had the opportunity to lead women’s Bible studies at various churches. Doing this deepened my knowledge and created a passion for women’s ministry. Over the last 7 years God was especially gracious in allowing me to stay with the same group of Bible study ladies who pray, support and encourage me every step of the way. They are my guinea pigs as I write new material and are honest in their feedback and suggestions.
Two of the women in my Bible study have the skills, talent and willingness to do hands-on work. One is especially talented in creating a power point that adds to the message I am trying to share. The other was able to design a website, business card and brochure that visually enhances what I am trying to do. Her husband was willing to sit in on one of my talks, gave great feedback from a male perspective and created the Living the Life Transparent logo.
And in God’s perfect timing my teen daughters were able not only to hear the truth behind my new ministry but also to become 2 of my biggest cheerleaders. I could go on and on about the pieces, parts and people that have brought me here today writing a blog for a ministry I could not have imagined. But I will stop here and ask – how can God use the pieces, parts and people of your past to make a difference in the lives of the people you come in contact with today? God placed you on this earth for “such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
Please join me in praying: Precious Father, Thank you for the experiences that have made me who I am today. Please give me wisdom and discernment to know why you have placed me here for such a time as this. Help me to seek earnestly after you and steep myself in your Word. Amen